Rain and Volunteers Make the Garden Grow
It’s Tuesday and a wonderful rain is falling in the Faith & Grace Garden. That’s good because we are making great progress in planting this spring. So far, potatoes, lettuce, peas, and garlic are in the ground. We are starting to plant onions. Then comes the brassicas family: cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, and Swiss chard.

Warm Weather Plant Giveaway
April 27 & 28 and May 4 & 5
We will give away a wide variety of plant starts, including, tomato (red splicer, paste, cherry, and yellow low acid varieties), peppers, (hot and sweet), cucumbers, zucchini, winter squash, melons, and herbs (basil, thyme, dill, and rosemary). Bring a box to carry your plants to your car.
Saturday, April 27 and Saturday, May 4 – 10 a.m. until noon
Sunday, April 28 and Sunday, May 5 – Noon until 2 p.m.
Donations accepted but not required.
“Name That Vegetable”
Each year we plant something new in the garden and have fun as people guess what it is. The vegetable may be one suggested by folks at the food pantries we serve or perhaps by a garden volunteer.
Below is this year’s new garden vegetable and this year’s prize. Let us know what you think our mystery vegetable is. The first person to correctly “Name That Vegetable” will receive a deck of Famous Plants of the Bible playing cards.
Hints: This vegetable is a native of South and Central America. Eaten raw, this vegetable has the crunch of an apple but it’s not as sweet. When cooked, it can be used in any dish as a low-starch substitute for potatoes.
Plants of the Bible Playing Cards
Famous Plants of the Bible Playing Cards include 54 beautifully illustrated plants, trees, and flowers along with their common and Latin names and corresponding Bible quotation.

Who Doesn’t Like Sun & Fun?
Be a Garden Volunteer
We continue working in the greenhouse transplanting and, weather permitting, in the garden planting onions. Plenty of volunteer opportunities are available Monday through Friday, 9–11a.m. and 1– 3p.m. No experience necessary. Please sign-up HERE
Why sign-up? By signing up, you help us plan ahead to make your volunteer experience more enjoyable. We are also able to notify you in case of a cancellation.
When volunteering in the garden, wear clothes that can get dirty and dress for the weather. Bring garden gloves if you have them, otherwise we can provide them. We have the tools you will need.
Large groups volunteer by appointment. School, church, civic, and corporate groups are always welcome in the garden by appointment. Send a message to info@growthefood.org to learn about how volunteering fits your group’s schedule.
Thank you for your help!