Jan 192015

Well, my thermometer says its almost 50 degrees outside, and I am checking the mulch around some of the more tender plants in my flowerbed.Its great go outside and see the soil instead of the snow!

Upcoming Garden Meeting:
Extending the Season for Vegetable Gardening
10am – Noon
Saturday, Feb 21
Parish Hall
St Timothy’s Episcopal Church
24th and Ashworth Road
West Des Moines
Additional details and a registration form will follow.
Click here to add this event to your google calendar

Join us to learn some tips and techniques of cold weather gardening to make the fullest use of your space and time. The ideas, concepts and tools are intended to help the home or market gardener start vegetable growing earlier in the spring, extend the harvest later into the fall, and even overwinter some plants for a real early start. May include a panel discussion with some local people making use of high tunnels in the area.

Dan Goldman is a local horticulturist who provides technical consulting and training on both a paid and volunteer basis.  He has formal degrees in vegetable production and horticulture, with research experience in several states.  He will be providing a short, complimentary, introductory training session at no charge on behalf of the Faith and Grace Garden.

Tim Goldman – 515-745-9842
Mark Marshall – 515-998-5381

 Posted by at 8:24 pm