Jun 042014

Glory Be! Last night the Faith & Grace garden received 1-inch + of rain with no wind or hail damage! I hope you were as fortunate.

Garden Family Picnic/Potluck Schedule –
Friday, June 6 @ 6pm
Friday June 13 @ 6pm

Garden Wish List:
Garden Gloves
5 gallon buckets (with handle and without holes)
Garden Hand Trowels
Garden Spades
Mantis Garden Tiller (good working order)

Happy chatter during the Family Night Picnic last Friday


Welcome Back! The Refugee Garden Program through Lutheran Services starts this Thursday morning, 8:30am – 11:30am.

This year we will again have a group of 14 Bhutanese elders helping us in the garden on Thursday mornings. This is a great opportunity to learn from a group of experienced gardeners about their culture, customs and their relationship with the soil.  Klo-Say
Klo Say carries weeds out of the garden.

Garden Production through June 3:

Lettuce 120 pounds
Radishes 100 pounds

Garden Donations through June 3:

Trinity Methodist Church
WDM Human Services
Eddie Davis Comm. Center

Link of Interest: Soil Society of America

The Soil Science Society of America created a blog, Soils Matter, to help the public understand this precious natural resource. The blog can be found here .

Recent topics included tips about soil testing, how the recent harsh winter might affect this summer’s growing season, and whether synthetic or natural fertilizers are the best plant nutrients. Regular Soils Matter contributor Clay Robinson says, “Naturally, soil scientists find soils interesting, but we want to help people understand that soils are so much more than dirt. The air people breathe, food they eat, water they drink, clothes they wear, and places they live, all depend on the soil. Soil scientists can help people learn how to use soil wisely, balancing conservation and productivity, so future generations can benefit from the soil as we do.”

In addition, SSSA has public information about soils on their website, under the tab “Discover Soils.”

 Posted by at 4:16 am